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5 TED Talks for aspiring Entrepreneurs!

Written by Nuzhat Sheikh ·  1 min read >

Entrepreneurs are being fancied as the leaders for future generations, resolving cut-throat-problematic issues by executing innovative solutions – they are now speculated as VIP, always in limelight. What’s more, we see ever increasing wishful young individuals out there, who aspire to run successful startups in future.
It has been acknowledged that entrepreneurs hold the ability to see things from their own perspectives, and that’s the top-notch thing about entrepreneurism. Keeping that in mind, we have chosen “five astonishing Ted talks” for ambitious people like you who dream to pursue it as core career. Watch these TED talks by successful (if not) rather experienced people who will inspire you immensely.

1- Angela Lee Duckworth: The key to success? Grit

Grit is a ‘need-for-achievement’ for every aspiring entrepreneur – the drive to keep you going is what grit is all about. Watch this lively talk by a high-spirited lady, who discloses her theory of “grit” as requisite force to be successful in any aspect of life. Furthermore, her own experience with kids as their teacher, vouches for the fact that, one who latches on to this very thing (grit) could predominate intellectuals and most talented peers. Here’s to the despair youth:” Think you have fireworms of an entrepreneur?” Show-up-gritty!

2- Harish Manwani: Profit’s not always the point

For any start-up, growth is all that matters the most. Watch this profound talk by COO of a renowned company, who enlightens many key factors to provoke sense of responsibility among individuals and arousing leadership as a whole.

3- Sheryl Sandberg: Why we have too few women leaders

This exclusive talk is dedicated to inspire girls/women, who don’t get or in some cases don’t avail the given opportunities to move ahead in life. Alluding to many causes behind it, COO of facebook advises and encourages women and girls to move forward in professional life. Watch this zealous chatter by her!

4- Jacqueline Novogratz: Inspiring a life of immersion

Proclaiming motivational stories from real life experiences, Jacqueline is all ready to inspire you about how to get going and immerse yourself to a specific venture. An epitome of revolutionary, In this talk, She introduces you to the true essence of social entrepreneurism.
This is a must watch talk by a very down-to-earth lady.

5- Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action

Giving marketing illustrations from big corporations like Apple, this talk toss around the working principles of giant companies, that what – how and why they do? What-they-do. Isn’t that a bit confusing? Figure out yourself and get inspired!

Written by Nuzhat Sheikh
An Engineering student who wants to explore Universe. She'd travelled to Mars 'in her fantasy'. Avid reader and researcher, She's a keen knowledge-seeker. You'll find her helpful. Follow her @NutzNb at twitter. Profile