
Facebook News Feed Settings Accessible On Mobile In Pakistan

Written by Sarwat Fatima ·  1 min read >
Facebook News feed Settings In Pakistan

Facebook News Feed finds the relevant content related to the user’s interests to help catch up on the latest happenings. The user activity in News Feed determines the type of content to be displayed based on friends, pages and public figures they follow.

The News Feed was limited before as users had only two options to customize it, recent stories or top stories. The rest was managed based on an algorithm that takes into account more than 100,000 factors such as profiles you visit, clicking and liking on links etc.

Facebook is now giving you more control on your News Feed by introducing dedicated settings for it. News Feed settings on mobile can be accessed on the side bar menu. Once clicked, these settings will show tab lists of people, pages and groups. You can unfollow any friend, page or group you don’t want to see in your News Feed all at one place. You can always go back and re-follow your friends, page or group.

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The New Feed settings, on desktop, can be accessed from a drop down menu on the top left corner of the page. In addition, you can hide any post through a tap down arrow with it. However, you will have an option to see less stories from the particular user instead of completely removing them from your News Feed.

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The News Feed Settings have been made available on desktop and mobile since last Friday. However, the new option for giving feedback from your news feed will be available on mobile in coming weeks.

In Pakistan, for now, only Manage News Feed option is available on mobiles as checked by us. The desktop Facebook has not yet received any update on News Feed Settings. Keeping the previous update trends in mind, we can make a safe estimate that the update will be here around the end of this year.

Check out this video to know more about the latest Facebook News Feed settings.

Written by Sarwat Fatima
Sarwat is a journalist and DIY enthusiast. She loves writing about Startups and Businesses. She is heading Islamabad and surrounding areas for news coverage. Profile