Our Ethical Statement (v 0.11)

Updated: 5/28/2015 – Giveaways, Opinions and Review Units added.

At TechJuice we have a firm belief in strong ethics being maintained in our operations. We have policies to ensure that honesty, integrity, accuracy and transparency from writer to reader is maintained. We have proper measures at all parts of the company to make sure that our content is made with the utmost care and consideration with emphasis on telling the story to its truest form.

For our writers

Our writers are asked prior to a pertinent story relating to a startup or an entrepreneur if they personally know, are friends or relatives with the latter individual. As such, our writers are required to send people whom they might know whether it is a start-up or an entrepreneur, through the proper channels on the contact us page. We will not show any undue favor or any kind of bias towards a person or start-up.

Our writers are not allowed to publish stories if the topic is connected to their prior employment or previous work experience. They are also forbidden from having any financial or personal gain attached to any of the startups or entrepreneurs that they write about.

Our writers offer complete transparency with regards to their writing. They will always use proper citations where needed and should there be any issue with any of our authors writings you are free to contact human resources for discussion of the issue where the matter will be handled in a civil and timely manner.

Our writers will never publish a story out of personal bias or enmity with any organization or persons. Whatever we publish will be backed up with facts and figures that have been thoroughly verified and gone through scrutinous filtering to ensure that the story being reported on follows legitimacy.

Should the event arise where the source of a story has chosen to be anonymous; We will continue to protect the rights and privacy of our sources. We will not entertain any queries or any questions that relate to the anonymous source. If you choose to become a nuisance to the author of the story in the pursuit of finding out the anonymous source then they have the right to protect their privacy by blocking you where they see fit.


We are a blog that still requires a source of revenue, with Advertising being one of them. While we will also accept financial sponsorship’s for an event, doesn’t mean that our sponsors are influencing their positions with us when it comes to the writing. The Public Relations / Advertising and the editorial team are completely sovereign bodies so you needn’t worry about our writers having a dilemma of choice.

If you choose to advertise with us then please keep in mind that we are strict on our rates and there can be no negotiations done. Your advertisement should not contain any profanity, racist, sexist or otherwise form of derogatory images or words.

Just because you are advertising with us, does not mean you are going to get any free press from us, you will still have to go through the same process of being published on the website as the others do.

In the case of Sponsored Posts, we will specify through usage of ‘sponsored tag’ below the post that this has been paid for by your organization and we will make it clear that the posts is in no way related to TechJuice and / or any opinions of the staff / members of TechJuice.

Review Units 

TechJuice is beginning to get a study influx of review units, especially in the world of smartphones. Understand that the relationship between this publication and the company providing us the review unit (Hereafter referred to as “The Vendor”) are following a strict professional relationship. TechJuice will only review products that will be commercially available for our readers in the immediate future. TechJuice would never accept precursor conditions that could hinder the relationship between publication and vendor or publication to reader. As such, any units that are sent to us are sent under the pretense of being treated as “Review Samples”.

TechJuice and The Vendor or the PR Firm representing the Vendor will work out the duration of time needed for the review and if there is a need for an embargo, then we shall be obliged to respect it. TechJuice will aim to provide an objective and upfront review of a product when we are satisfied with the time spent with the product. As soon as the review unit has served its purpose, the unit shall be returned to the Vendor or given away to our readers should the unit be given to TechJuice for keeping from The Vendor or the PR Firm representing the Vendor. (For details on this, please see our ethical statement on giveaways below)

There might be times where the reviewer of the product would need additional time for a review in the case of a top-shelf smartphone which should be in-depth and thorough. Should this scenario occur, TechJuice will inform The Vendor or the PR Firm representing The Vendor and request additional time for the possession of the unit. The device or review unit lent to us will not be treated as a reviewer’s personal device in order to maintain the current condition of the hardware for the next reviewer.

Editorial Opinions

Editorial Opinions are the thoughts and expressions of the individual who penned the article in question. The opinions expressed in the Editorial Opinion are at no point the Opinions of TechJuice, this extends but is not limited to the position of the writer at TechJuice as the relationship is completely professional. Editorial Opinions are the time where TechJuice and The Individual are treated as sovereign bodies.

These guidelines are made to safeguard the interest of all parties. We hope you abide by them at the time of submitting an Editorial Opinion.


There are times where TechJuice comes into the giving spirit and gives away gifts to YOU, our beloved readers. While we may or may not have the resources to finance these from the company’s deep pockets, TechJuice will try their level best to give away products in collaboration with another company. This is a completely professional relationship between TechJuice and the company. As such, giveaways that are done in collaboration between TechJuice and a third party company should never be considered as an endorsement or otherwise.

Each giveaway will have their own set of rules and parameters. TechJuice employees, be they staff (Full-time or part-time) are exempt from participating but are allowed to promote the event through social media or otherwise legitimate avenues. We expect the entrants (the general public) to respect the rules and decisions of the giveaway. We assure you that the winner will ALWAYS be chosen without bias or discrimination based on their qualification of following the rules and conditions of the giveaway.

All decisions made by TechJuice are final and irreversible. We hope you abide by these terms and conditions at the time of entering a giveaway.

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