Google will now use AI to manage battery life of your phone in Android P

6 years ago

Google at it's Google I/O keynote on Wednesday, announced an impressive new feature called Adaptive Battery, in which artificial intelligence…

Microsoft launches $25 million program to help differently-abled people using AI technology

6 years ago

The tech giant, Microsoft, just launched a $25 million initiative to use artificial intelligence(AI) to build better technology for people…

NUST Team to represent Pakistan in Microsoft Imagine Cup 2018 finale in US

6 years ago

On Tuesday, Higher Education Commission (HEC) announced the National Winners of Microsoft Imagine Cup 2018. The winning team will represent…

Chief Justice demands a report on why withholding taxes are charged on mobile cards

6 years ago

Supreme Court has initiated proceedings on its Suo Motu notice on mobile recharge card taxes on Tuesday this week. The…

6 new features of Android P officially announced in Google I/O

6 years ago

Google IO is being held in California, USA and the company just announced the latest update to its globetrotting Android…

Samsung washing machine exploded

6 years ago

From its Note 7 disaster to washers explosion in 2016, Samsung always has had a touch of fire. A family…

This is how you can set Amazon’s Alexa as your default assistant on Android

6 years ago

Amazon’s Alexa can now be set as the default personal assistant on Android phones and can be accessed by holding…

Here’s why Google invited Shahid Afridi at its Singapore headquarters

6 years ago

Pakistan’s world-renowned and most loved cricket all-rounder and philanthropist Shahid Khan Afridi was invited by the Google at its Singapore…

5 key takeaways from Microsoft Build 2018 developer conference

6 years ago

The Microsoft’s Build 2018 developer conference is currently happening in Seattle, and the technology giant unveiled hand full of tools…

Yayvo is offering special deals and discounts on Shopping Day 2018

6 years ago

It’s no more a surprise that people actually love online shopping in Pakistan. But the real question is, are they…