Snapchat just beat Facebook and Apple to launch the coolest Augmented Reality feature

7 years ago

Over the course of past week, Snapchat has added a really cool Augmented Reality feature to its desk. The cartoon…

‘Go Nawaz Go’ is now a speedtest server and the internet is amused

7 years ago

Never a dull moment in Pakistani politics. A twitterati has shared a screen grab of internet speed test and there…

People are not buying iPhone 8 as they wait for the special iPhone X

7 years ago

Apple has already made the standard iPhones models of this year available for the preorders. The analysts are now sensing…

No, Alibaba is not in talks with Telenor Bank

7 years ago

A while ago, a Pakistani media outlet released a news that Alibaba's subsidiary Ant Financial has “locked a deal” with…

Satellites images are now being used to predict Malaria months before it outbreaks

7 years ago

The researchers have now uncovered a new technology that lets them use satellite data to predict the malaria outbreaks months…

Toys “R” Us is filing for bankruptcy because it couldn’t keep up with online stores

7 years ago

If you don't play smartly, your competitors will take you out and it won't matter if you were the big…

You might be one of the 2 million people who got hit by a CCleaner malware

7 years ago

Virus, hacks, malware pose an imminent threat to our digital life. One wrong move and you could get trapped in…

Pakistan’s Telecom sector received $92 million Foreign Direct Investment between July-August

7 years ago

Pakistan's telecom sector is strengthening by leaps and bounds and the recent figure for the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in…

Huawei Makes fun of Apple Face ID, will reveal ‘The Real AI Phone’ soon

7 years ago

Huawei posted a new video on its Facebook page which takes aim at the Apple Face ID demo fail during…

Can’t afford the $1,000 iPhone X? This app will make your Android phone look like one!

7 years ago

The much-awaited iPhone X is in the market. But it comes with a $999 price tag which means a lot…