News, Technology

MoIT’s DigiSkills program has trained over 1 million young freelancers of the country

Written by Naima Rabbie ·  51 sec read >

According to the Federal Minister of Information and Technology, Syed Amin Ul Haque the national level training program by MoIT has provided training to 1.28 million youngsters in Freelancing. Amin was talking to the DigiSkills freelancer who called on him. The meeting was set by the IT minister with freelancers regarding their experience for learning and earning through DigiSkills.

Amin told the meeting that his team is taking necessary steps for equipping the freelancers, homemakers, students, and professionals, etc. with the tools, skills, and knowledge required to grasp the opportunity available for the international and national online marketplace.

Syed Junaid Imam, the CEO of Ignite, welcomed and gratified the freelancers for interacting and taking time out from their busy schedule. He also informed the freelancers that Ignite is focused on building an ecosystem for ‘future of work’, financial inclusion, and poverty alleviation.

MoIT has collaborated with JazzCash that would facilitate the DigiSkills freelancers in transferring their earning from Payoneer Account to the JazzCash account without hassle. Besides that, the DigiSkills can also register their Payoneer Account from the JazzCash account eradiating the need of commercial bank account.

MoIT launched a national level training program known as DigiSkills in collaboration with Ignite National Technology Fund. The program is providing free training in freelancing and other market competitive skills. DigiSkills comprises of ten courses like Freelancing, Digital Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Graphic Designing, Digital Literacy, e-Commerce Management, Creative writing, QuickBooks, AutoCAD, and WordPress.