
Get Google Contacts app on any Android device now

Written by Uzair Khalid ·  51 sec read >
Google Contacts

Google Contacts app can now be installed on any Android device running Android 5.0 Lollipop and above. The app was limited to the Nexus and Pixel devices until now.

Google Contacts is the best way to save and manage your contacts on your Android device. If you are a person who has used both Google Contacts and any other contacts app like Samsung Contacts or Xiaomi Contacts, you know that there is no better way to store and manage your contacts than Google’s own app. So now, if you are a fan of the contacts app on your phone, you can install and see how Google manages the contacts. Moreover, the app comes with Google’s Material Design and clearly represents the Google’s vision of what a contacts app should be.

Google Contacts can be used as your default contacts app. You can disable your default contacts app and use Google Contacts. Or if you do not like Google’s app, you can uninstall it and continue using your default app.

The app is very convenient to use and supports multiple accounts, making it very convenient to switch between all of your accounts and access information. Moreover, the app gives suggestions to add a new contact, update the missing info, merge contacts which are similar, and much more. You’ll also be able to access your contacts on your desktop computer through

Google’s contacts app can be downloaded from the Google Play Store.

Written by Uzair Khalid
Uzair has been very tech savvy since his childhood. He's a passionate writer for all things related to technology and a Computer Science graduate. Profile