
Like this pic to donate can finally be a reality

Written by Rehan Ahmed ·  1 min read >
Facebook Tip Jar

A new poll by Facebook has indicated that the social network is thinking of adding an actual “Tip jar” option to Facebook posts.

Posts like “Like or share this pic to help/donate” have been around on Facebook since Facebook itself but there has never been an actual way to transform these virtual likes or shares into actual real-world money. But, according to a new survey conducted by Facebook, the biggest social network in the world is now considering options to let users directly donate or tip money through a virtual tip jar or a Donate button.

Simply put, the tip jar will allow fans on Facebook to tip money on any post that has the option to do it. Interestingly, it is not the only new option being considered by Facebook as the survey also asked about a number of other options surveyees would be interested in.

  • Branded Content, allowing users to earn money when posting about a brand they have a sponsorship deal with.
  • Sponsor marketplace, a place to match up with advertisers for sponsorships
  • Donate option, allowing people to donate to a charity
  • Call to action button, to let users “Buy tickets” or “Sign up for more” on posts
  • Revenue Sharing, allowing users to receive a share of revenue generated by the ads on their posts

A number of other web portals like YouTube and Twitch already have working revenue sharing models in place but they aren’t exactly complete social networks like Facebook.

Note that since this is just a survey, you should take this news with a pinch of salt as there is no official confirmation by Facebook if it will go forward with this or not. But if the Mark Zuckerberg-led company’s recent efforts on doubling down on becoming the best platform for real-time sharing are any indication, we are quite sure that we’ll be seeing at least a couple of these options rolling out soon.

Source- TheVerge

Written by Rehan Ahmed
I cover startups, review gadgets and talk about latest developments in the technology industry. Get in touch through Profile