
3G services to be available in villages across Pakistan: IT Minister

Written by Ali Raza ·  54 sec read >
IT Minister, Anusha Rehman

Anusha Rehman, Minister of Information Technology and Telecom has said that every rural community in the Pakistan with minimum 100 people – will be under the covered area of 3G services within the next couple of years.

Anusha was addressing the ICT (Information Communication Technology) Award 2017, organized by the RCCI (Rawalpindi Chamber of Commerce) on Tuesday. She said, Pakistan just got the GSMA award and standing at the third position in the list of cellular telecom operator groups.

She also mentioned that IT has been rising in Pakistan and Internet penetration boosted from 3 percent to 27 percent within the last two years. Anusha said, “We are working towards making a digital Pakistan. Digital economy through IT, freelance, start-ups, e-commerce and mobile apps are the future.”

She also highlighted that Pakistan ranks 4 for freelancing around the world because of internet penetration. She added that this was made possible through the improvement of 3G and 4G services in Pakistan and now it will be the priority of our government to take the 3G services to the backward areas of the country in less than 2 years.

Minister also revealed government’s plan to train over 100,000 fresh grads with freelancing expertise so the freelancers turn out to be the self-governing earners. She recalled that the government has always given special devotions to Information Technology segment and this is the only reason behind the remarkable growth in last three years.

Just recently 6 freelancers were hired for $100,000 per annum salary at a hiring convention in Lahore by high paying job provider Crossover.

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