Education, News

Higher Education Commission to establish three technology universities

Written by Saad Mughal ·  59 sec read >

Higher Education Commission (HEC) announces establishment of three technology universities at National Technology Council (NTC). The universities to be established are: National Skills University in Islamabad, KPK Technology University and the last comes under Frontier Works Organization (FWO).

The meeting was presided over by HEC Chairman, Prof. Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed. Major General (r) Akbar Saeed Awan was elected as the Chairman of the council whilst Dr. Kausar Malik became the Vice Chairman. The responsibilities assigned to NTC revolve around accrediting technology specific degree programs, determining their structure and scope in terms of curriculum, infrastructure and faculty support, alignment with internal standards and most importantly the career aspects that particular program bring. The establishment of this council shall facilitate streamlining the technology education of the country. B-Tech Honors and BS programs that will come under NTC include but not limited to:

* Animal Production and Technology
* Biotechnology
* Medical Laboratory Technology
* Emergency and Intensive Care Technology
* Medical Imaging Technology
* Dental Technology
* Operation Theater Technology
* Mortuary Technology
* Food Sciences and Technology
* Nanotechnology and Information Technology

The council has diverse representation hailing from each province including FATA, Gilgit-Baltistan, Azad Jammu and Kashmir. The members of the council has representation from HEC itself and the following organizations:

* Ministry of Science and Technology
* Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunication
* Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training
* Ministry of National Health Services, Regulation and Coordination
* Ministry of Industries and Production
* Ministry of Inter-Provincial Coordination
* Ministry of National Food Security and Research
* Pakistan Engineering Council
* Pakistan Medical and Dental Council
* National Agriculture Education Accreditation Council
* National Computing Education and Accreditation Council
* National Vocational and Technical Training Commission
* Vice Chancellors of public and private sector universities

Written by Saad Mughal
Tech-savvy, gadget geek, love doing analysis on smartphones and hardware. You can reach out to me at [email protected]. Profile

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