
HTC announces Vive Pro Eye and Vive Cosmos VR headsets

Written by Shaheryar Ehsan ·  52 sec read >

While Apple may be mocking CES, HTC is not shying away from introducing new products. The Vive series has been revived with the Pro Eye and Cosmos headsets. As you may have guessed, Vive Pro Eye makes use of eye-tracking technology as well as featuring a gaze-tracking menu which effectively removes the need of a controller. However, the down point here is that HTC intends to market the Pro Eye headset towards the enterprise segment as they refer it as “an evolution in the enterprise VR space.”

This headset also comes with “foveated rendering” which will supposedly give you better visual quality by moving the images to wherever you look. You don’t have to tilt your head, simply adjust your gaze and the images will follow. There is also a privacy concern however because the headset is tracking your gaze is real-time plus it is storing that information as data-points for analytics. It’s not that big a deal but the issue is there.

Second up we have Cosmos which features 4 cameras and a flip-up display, again requiring no external tracking solution. The Cosmos can be used anywhere, it is not restricted to high-end gaming PCs too.

The Cosmos will run the Vive Reality System that will make moving between VR experiences more seamless.

Written by Shaheryar Ehsan
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