
Meet the world’s smallest mobile phone Zanco Tiny T1

Written by Sajeel Syed ·  1 min read >

The world of smartphones is getting bigger and bigger, with phablets like Galaxy Note 8, and Xiaomi Mi Max 2 having huge screens even bigger than 6-inches.

Sometimes we forget how handy tiny things are. Well, an entrepreneur from a UK based company which recently started its Kickstarter campaign shows us what a little gadget can accomplish. Zanco Tiny T1 is the world’s smallest mobile phone until now, with a tiny 0.49-inch OLED display and weighing in at 13g.

Well, it’s the same OLED display which has been quite a show for the likes of iPhone X and Galaxy S8 but has a very smaller size. The screen has a resolution of 64 x 12 pixels. The dimensions of the phone measures at 46.7mm x 21mm x 12mm. This means that phone will be equal to the size of your thumb. You might have seen toys of similar sizes appearing to be a phone, but Tiny T1 is actually a working phone.

Although the device is not similar to any of your Android smartphones, yet it comes with a handful of features. The Tiny T1 is able to accompany a nano-SIM card and space for 300 phone book contacts. The phone keeps a record of 50 SMS messages and 50 last calls. Interestingly, the phone’s keyboard works smoothly and efficiently.

The Zanco Tiny T1 is engineered by a Bradford-born entrepreneur Shazad Talib who is a specialist in making phones of tiny sizes. Talib is even planning to make a ‘Small Smartphone’, as he states,

“I came up with the idea for it in about 2004, and I’ve had engineers working on it for years. It is actually very easy to use when it is placed on your finger. My next design will be a small smartphone. I have a lot of ideas.”

Alongside, a bunch of benefits of Tiny T1 comes with a fear too. The fear is that the new generation of micro mobiles could be used in criminal activities, like being smuggled into prisons without detection. That is the reason small mobile phones were earlier banned in some states of the US and few European countries.

Zanco Tiny T1 can be a ‘handy’ device if it is used for a meaningful purpose. The device will cost around $49. However, Kickstarter funding page investors can get one for an early order in $40. The device will go on sale from the next month.

Written by Sajeel Syed
I am a writer at TechJuice, overseeing IT, Telecom, Cryptocurrency, and other tech-related features here. When I'm not working, I spend some of my time with good old Xbox 360 and the rest in social activism. Follow me on Twitter: Profile

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