
Pakistan Launches E-Passports Services to Replace Traditional Physical Passports

Written by Muhammad Muneeb Ur Rehman ·  1 min read >

In a significant move aimed at modernizing travel documentation, Pakistan has embraced electronic passports, also referred to as e-passports. This progressive leap signifies a departure from the conventional passport structure, as it incorporates cutting-edge technology to offer an array of advantages.

Distinguishing E-Passports from Traditional Passports:

E-passports distinguish themselves from traditional passports through a pivotal feature—a built-in electronic chip. This small yet secure chip not only stores the passport holder’s biometric data but also other essential information. The hallmark advantage of this innovation lies in its contactless functionality, allowing for rapid and secure electronic scans.

Advantages of E-Passports:

Streamlined Immigration Processing: The incorporation of e-passports expedites immigration procedures at airports. The electronic system significantly reduces processing time, ensuring a seamless and efficient experience for travelers.

Enhanced Border Security: With advanced biometric information securely stored in the electronic chip, border security receives a significant boost. This high-level authentication offers robust protection against identity fraud and unauthorized entries.

Utilization of E-Gate Facilities: E-passport holders benefit from the convenience of utilizing e-gate facilities at airports. This feature further streamlines the immigration process, allowing travelers to swiftly navigate entry and exit points.

Online Application Submission: The process of applying for an e-passport has been made hassle-free, with the provision of online application submissions. This digital application mechanism eliminates the need for extensive paperwork, simplifying the journey to obtaining a passport.

Tailored for Overseas Pakistanis: E-passports cater to the unique needs of overseas Pakistanis, providing them with enhanced security and seamless travel experiences. This technology strengthens the bond between the diaspora and their homeland.

Navigating the Application Process:

The application process for both traditional Machine Readable Passports (MRPs) and e-passports remains consistent. Applicants can refer to the official guidelines for obtaining a passport in Pakistan.

Initially exclusive to government officials and diplomats, e-passports are now accessible to all citizens, ushering in an era of technological advancement and inclusivity.

E-Passport Fee Structure:

Currently issued from Islamabad, e-passports are slated to be available in other cities in the future. The subsequent table delineates the fee structure based on various categories, page counts, and validity periods:

| Category | Pages | Validity | Fee (Rs.) |


| Normal   | 36    | 5 years  | 9,000     |

| Urgent   | 36    | 5 years  | 15,000    |

| Normal   | 36    | 10 years | 13,500    |

| Urgent   | 36    | 10 years | 22,500    |

| Normal   | 72    | 5 years  | 16,500    |

| Urgent   | 72    | 5 years  | 27,500    |

| Normal   | 72    | 10 years | 24,750    |

| Urgent   | 72    | 10 years | 40,500    |

As Pakistan embraces the era of e-passports, travelers are poised to encounter accelerated immigration processes, heightened security measures, and a digital-first approach that resonates with the demands of the contemporary world. This technological evolution inaugurates a new travel era that is both efficient and secure, further solidifying Pakistan’s commitment to innovation and progress.

In this dynamic landscape of global travel, Pakistan’s adoption of e-passports stands as a testament to its forward-thinking approach. By embracing electronic passports, the nation not only aligns itself with the technological currents of the modern world but also paves the way for smoother, more secure, and interconnected travel experiences. As e-passports become a symbol of Pakistan’s commitment to innovation, they also mirror the country’s dedication to meeting the evolving needs of its citizens and the international community, ushering in an era where convenience, efficiency, and security converge seamlessly at the border crossings of the nation.

Written by Muhammad Muneeb Ur Rehman
Muneeb is a full-time News/Tech writer at He is a passionate follower of the IT progression of Pakistan and the world and wants to educate the people of Pakistan about tech affairs. His favorite part about being a tech writer is tech reviews and giving an honest and clear verdict to his readers. Contact Muneeb on his LinkedIn at: Profile

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