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Paperama – TechJuice Wonder App of the Week

Written by Maryam Dodhy ·  1 min read >

When you change your phone the first apps you download are the usuals: Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter. Last week when I upgraded my mobile phone, I finally had the memory space to download other apps apart from the all-timers. I took a few suggestions and ended up trying some new apps. I’ll share them in due course, but today I’m sharing with you an app that has quickly become my favourite: Paperama.

I am a huge Origami fan and I have tried Origami-based apps before and they were total disappointments. But Paperama is not. On each level, you’ll be assigned a piece of paper with a shape traced on it. That’s the outline you’ll need to follow, swiping on the markings. You’ll also have to fold the sheets in specific ways to be able to meet each puzzle’s goal. There’s a limit to the number of folds you can make. You get a higher score if you’re under that limit and your end model looks like the actual one. It is pretty simple to maneuver the paper to match the shapes in a manner that still gets you a particular level’s 3-star rating. If you get stuck at any point, you can always use the more than generous hints that pop up as you play. Once you clear a level, you just move ahead in the game, simple as that.

Paperama is not like any of the apps these days. The action-packed games on the app stores leave your brain buzzing. The whole concept behind Paperama may not seem exciting and it definitely isn’t like the other high-octane games, but it will soothe you.The pastel colors used to design the game’s interface won’t tire you and the music will put your brain at ease as you move your hand across the screen in efforts to make a paper model.

The app has been around for quite some time now, but this review is specifically for people like me who never had the chance to use it. The app is not exactly an alternative for Origami but is as close as you can get to the real deal. If you love Origami but the wrinkled paper with no end result leaves you impatient then this app is for you.

Rating: 4.5/5

Available on iOS and Android




Written by Maryam Dodhy
I love bringing to light stories of extraordinary people working in Pakistan's tech and startup industry. You can reach out to me through [email protected]. Profile

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