
The Best Extensions to Personalise Google Chrome in 2022

Written by Techjuice Team ·  3 min read >

The number of browser extensions available in the Chrome store is one of the finest and worst features of Google Chrome. It’s the greatest because it provides users with nearly endless ways to improve their Chrome experience, but it’s also the worst since you may not realize how many fantastic extensions you’re missing out on if you never seek them.

Chrome extensions may do everything from completely reorganizing your email inbox to screening off websites that contain inappropriate content.

Here’s a selection of some of the most useful Chrome extensions available right now.

Save to Google Drive

Save to google drive

This one is quite self-explanatory and simple, but it serves its job well. Save to Google Drive adds a little icon to the top right corner of the browser that saves everything you’re seeing to your Google Drive account for later viewing. There’s also a more specific option in the right-click menu.

It can take screenshots as well as save photos, audio, or video. Again, there isn’t much to this extension, but it’s a quick and easy solution for anyone who needs to move files across devices to send something to cloud storage.



People were understandably disappointed when Google announced the closure of its Inbox by Gmail app. The productivity-focused Gmail alternative allowed users to manage their inboxes and prioritize what was important to them.

The Sortd Chrome addon isn’t a perfect alternative, but it does the job. After installation, it connects with Gmail and allows users to drag and drop messages into custom columns. Sortd also has a sidebar where you may take notes and manage a to-do list.

The best thing is that you may return to the usual Gmail display at any time with the press of a button.

Honey Chrome add-on

Honey chrome

Honey is one of the most popular and well-liked Chrome extensions available, and it’s simple to understand why. It’s a quick and easy way to locate coupons while purchasing online, either by an icon next to the URL or via a centralised website.

In many respects, the internet has made shopping easier, but it may still be tough to determine if you’re getting the greatest price on anything. Honey saves you time and money by doing the work for you.

Chrono Download Manager

chrome download manager

Even with all of Chrome’s developments over the years, downloading items is still not the nicest part of the experience. Looking through photographs, programs, or other stuff you’ve downloaded necessitates opening a different tab that isn’t very well-organized. Furthermore, the download bar at the bottom of the screen is simply unappealing.

The extension marketplace provides a wonderful option in the form of Chrono Download Manager. Click the extension icon in the top right corner to open a window with all of your downloads nicely organized. You may sort them by date or kind, and you can even preview each download as soon as it finishes.

HTTPS Everywhere


Your information may be harvested virtually anywhere and at any moment, and it can be difficult to determine whether websites are secure.

This is when HTTPS Everywhere comes into play. The easy Chrome plug-in allows you to change any website from “http” to “https,” which implies it’s secured and more secure. One browser extension cannot cure all of the internet’s issues, but HTTPS Everywhere focuses on one task and accomplishes it effectively.

Dalton Colorblindness Extension


The Dalton colorblindness extension is a useful tool for colorblind people.

Some people may not have excellent color vision, but the world is not designed for them. When objects or images on a website are difficult to differentiate for colorblind users, the Dalton Chrome extension is a useful tool.

Dalton, which is located in the top right corner of the browser, displays a basic menu with choices for three distinct forms of colorblindness. Users can use one of two color sliders to make whatever page they are viewing more legible. There is no cure for colorblindness, but Dalton may be able to assist.

Speed Test

Speed Test

The internet is quicker than ever before, yet it is far from flawless. Before streaming a movie or downloading a large attachment, you should sometimes verify your connection speed. Fortunately, Speedtest makes this quite simple.

Simply click the “Go” button, and Speedtest will do a rapid connection test on any network you’re connected to. Other than that, there isn’t much to it, although if you have queries about your network speed, Speedtest can help.

Tab Suspender

Tab Suspender

The primary issue with tabbed browsing is that you may easily fly too near to the sun. It’s tempting to keep hundreds of tabs open, but doing so can eventually slow Chrome down to a crawl. Tab Suspender is a feasible solution to this issue. To keep things operating smoothly, it will automatically suspend any open tabs after a certain length of time. Simply return to the tab and click or refresh to restore it.



Grammarly is not a new or esoteric Chrome plugin, but it is really useful. Anyone who writes knows the fear of unintentional typos or spelling errors. Grammarly will find and correct them for you.

Although spell-check systems are already available, it never hurts to have a more extensive and thorough one.

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