Mobile, News

A mobile app launched by KP that could prevent the cases of abuse in children women and transgender community

Written by Naima Rabbie ·  1 min read >

Recently Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has launched a mobile app that could prevent harassment cases in the province drastically. This is the first app of the region generated for the purpose. It is available in 8 different languages for the people. The languages are Pashto, Urdu, Chinese, English, Arabic, and many other native languages.

The developer of the app is known as Zomung Joundon and they have been workings a private organization. The app comes under the heading of the Women protection wing and is easily available on the Google play store.

Wafa Wazin the chairperson of women protection said in an interview that the transgender community along with others who face abuse on any level can register complaints while using this app. The staff member of the app contacts the person who filed the complaint in an hour and forward it to the upper authorities of interest.


Federal Investigation Agency, Psychologists, and legal experts are all on the panel of the app and the special team members of the app can contact and forward the case to the experts after the initial analysis.

As per Wafa, women found it difficult to file the complaint against the harassment earlier because of the nationwide lockdown situation due to the COVID-19 pandemic following the increase of the Coronavirus patients in the country.

The chairperson also said the complainants’ complaints can be registered anonymously by not providing their identification. As the app comes with a very user-friendly interface, it won’t take much effort to file for the complaint. Besides that, the hotline service is always in the function that means the complainants can get the update regarding their complaints any time of the day. For now, the app will be functional for all the regions situated in the KP and very soon it will be available nationwide.


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