
Customer-Centric Excellence: K-Electric’s WhatsApp Chat Takes the Lead

Written by Muhammad Muneeb Ur Rehman ·  2 min read >

Customer interaction through various modes of communication has become integral for all service providers. The objective is to get the problem solved. Service providers have switched to different modes of digital messaging, chatbots on their company websites, Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp messaging has gained immense popularity over time. It makes life easy for the customers as well as the service providers.

WhatsApp allows service providers to establish direct and immediate communication channels with customers, enabling quick responses to inquiries, issues, and requests. Using WhatsApp for customer interactions can be more cost-effective than traditional communication methods like phone calls or printed materials.

K-Electric-pioneers in establishing a swift and hassle-free communication channel with its customers, the sole vertical power provider has partnered with Infobip and launched bilingual services through its WhatsApp chatbot. Using this service along with checking my official emails, during office hours has made my life peaceful.  Being a single woman, living independently with a full-time job I hardly get time to visit customer care centers or banks for various financial or utility needs.

These facilities make me save on transportation costs as well as saves me time to focus on my work. Although I have installed the K-Live app on my phone too, the ease and convenience of communicating with K-Electric through WhatsApp is next-level.

Once you send a hello message to 0348-0000118, the chatbot gives you the option to select your preferred language and displays a list of 10 services; duplicate bill, Go Green! Subscribe for E-Bill, technical complaints, billing complaints, power status & load shedding schedules, income tax certificates, new connections, billpayments, language selection, and find us. One should really experience the ease of KE Chatbot and the convenience it brings to your life. This may not be a daily interaction, but you exactly know where you need to WhatsApp in case you need to get these basics sorted.

The options I have used so far are duplicate bills, subscription of E-bills, and load-shedding schedules. I am a firm believer and user of technology, my job timings do not allow me to stand in long queues and pay my bills, and complaints related to the service interruption and/or ambiguities in the bill, all are sorted. I am also a happy user of different mobile apps like food panda, inDrive, Careem, PAK IDENTITY, and many others, they just make life easy for me. Times have changed, and we need to adapt to the changing paradigms for a better life. Today is what we need to make better, tomorrow will always be a surprise!

Although we as a nation have adopted technology well, according to the data collected by the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA), smartphones account for 55% of mobile devices on the Pakistan network, while 2G devices account for 45%. I believe uninterrupted access to the internet will further enhance the user experience for many digital apps mentioned earlier.

Private companies are doing a brilliant job, the urban and rural administrative authorities should collaborate with the private sector for a better partnership resulting in a win-win solution for all. The government should focus on developing the overall infrastructure of the country, educating children, and empowering the nation for a sustainable future.

I personally feel we as a nation have adopted technology ranks highly better but then this may be my individual observation because I have access to the internet, I am educated and own a smartphone, so my living environment enables me to use technology and make my life easy. This of course is not the same for a person living in a less developed city and with less availability of these basic resources. Hence, I request the government to please focus on developing the overall infrastructure of our country, educating children, and empowering the nation for a sustainable future.

Written by Muhammad Muneeb Ur Rehman
Muneeb is a full-time News/Tech writer at He is a passionate follower of the IT progression of Pakistan and the world and wants to educate the people of Pakistan about tech affairs. His favorite part about being a tech writer is tech reviews and giving an honest and clear verdict to his readers. Contact Muneeb on his LinkedIn at: Profile

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