
Facebook now notifies you if a friend is writing a comment

Written by Rehan Ahmed ·  38 sec read >

A new feature in Facebook’s smartphone app will now let you know if a friend is typing a comment while in the comments section.

Comments and likes have been the oldest form of interaction between Facebook and the company gradually updated both of these to make them more interesting and useful. Facebook also introduced comment replies a while ago and now, the comments section will show a “A friend is writing a comment” notifier, just like the “typing” notifier in Facebook chat.

The feature is not universally active right now and appears to work only for a few people. It’s also pretty limited and will only show up when you are in the comment replies section. Basically, if you are about to reply to a comment and your friend is also writing a comment at the same time, it will notify you. Here’s a screenshot of it on a Nexus 6,

facebook careers

It’s also a little buggy right now so it would also end up showing the “A friend is writing a comment” label when I was writing the comment myself.

Image Source-MobiPicker

Written by Rehan Ahmed
I cover startups, review gadgets and talk about latest developments in the technology industry. Get in touch through [email protected]. Profile

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