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Happening.Pk – What is Happening?

Written by Nada Zain ·  3 min read >

How many times have you wanted to plan something interesting for your free time but found yourself with limited choices of things that can be done or places that can be visited in your city? Lucky for you there is a way to beat that boredom and attending various social events according to your interest. While internet and social media is a good means of meeting new people and participating in discussions that interest you, going out there and actually meeting those people in person is even better. Happening.pk brings you comprehensive lists of the events coming up in your city along with the information about its date, time, location, basic info and how to participate in it. There is only so much one can experience online, physical presence will multiply your experience manifolds while it engages all your senses and sparks unlimited inspiration.

Thanks to Pakistani websites like kiascenehai.pk, karachisnob.com, pakupcomingevents.com, and happening.pk  especially dedicated to bringing you latest info on the upcoming as well as recent events you no longer have to stare at those Facebook photos of your friends at that cool event wishing you know about it ahead of time so you could’ve included that awesome happening to your schedule in advance.

Whether you’re a techie, a music-lover, a fashionista, a foodie, an entrepreneur, an art-lover, a philanthropist at heart it has something for everyone with a wide range of events including concerts, exhibitions, conferences, workshops, meetings, festivals, theater shows of all sorts.

What’s new?

Despite the fact that a few “event discovery” already existed before Happening.pk, we feel that there was problem with the existing site interfaces weren’t that user-friendly and were a little too busy. User experience is one of the most important components of a site. Happening.pk saw the gap and knew that an improvement was needed and came forward to fill it.

Furthermore, the site is also trying to cover the events on a wider basis, including more than just the 3 major cities. There’s a whole world of events and things happening beyond Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad. It is evident from our Faisalabad and Peshawar sections; it is possible that they are working on further expansion to include more cities.

Happening.pk appears to be more than just a cliché event-discovery site. The term “Happenings” can and actually does cover the usual things that generally categorized as events (e.g. a concert, exhibitions etc) plus happenings such as LUMS Entrepreneurial Challenge contest which are covered live by happenings.pk as they are actually happening!

The current event sites aren’t the first ones and certainly not the only ones doing this. It has been there in one form or another in the past few years. The value this site adds by taking it one step further by things like better user-friendliness, minimalist design, wider scope of events and areas covered and so on might actually act as Happening.pk’s competitive edge and take it ahead of the rest.

We strive to be the NO.1 event site in the country. We are confident our constant value addition and marketing efforts will help Happening.pk stand strong in the market for a long time. We’re here to make it big! – Mr. Faizan Laghari

A considerable number “events” happen around the country every month, yes. Happenings.pk takes its scope just a step further than just announcing those up-coming events.   So for instance, if you were to go to the “Trips” category on the website, you would see a bunch of trips, like Trekking to K2 base camp and visits to amazing forts in Jehlum. Those wouldn’t be actually considered normal run of the mill “events” .In short, the website doesn’t have to worry about running of events/happenings to share.

It’s only been a week (literally) since Happening.pk’s launch. So it’s still a baby and has to grow further. According to AppJuice source (who has gotten in touch with the makers of the site) the Happening.pk team is still gathering more and more resources to keep track of events happening around the country. Happening.pk is reportedly  already getting a great response from people contacting the site directly to promote events about to happen. Moreover they are using their relationships with a few well-known companies and venue managers to find out about such events. Beyond that, it’s a lot of effort on social media and networking.

The site basically wants to give people a way to find and sort through events that matter to them the most. Their goal seems to be that whenever you think about “what’s happening” in your city, Happening.PK pups instantly in your mind, hence the tagline “and THAT’S what’s happening“.

We are really positive and see a potential of Happening.pk in the future. Be sure to check it out!

If you think that you are not the social-butterfly type. Think again. You might meet your next best friend on an event, find a creative outlet, make long-lasting business relations and who knows what other treasures and opportunities awaits you! Hop on to the site, look up the up-coming events, select a couple that match your interest, mark your calendar and enjoy!

Written by Nada Zain
is an excellence award winning MBA marketing graduate, she is passionate about technology, branding and crafting. Nada is also a foodie and a self-declared global citizen. She tweets at @NadaZain Profile

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