
Here are the top ten jobs of the future

Written by Hamnah Khalid ·  2 min read >

Technology is the future. That much, we are all sure of. In fact, it is most of the present as well. All of us, in one way or the other, heavily rely on computers and machines to do our work for us. Now, more than ever, when school, universities, and even jobs are being done from home, the advancement of technology and artificial intelligence is at its peak as there is a bigger need for it.

As reported by the World Economic Forum and then later on by Airschool, an estimated 97 million new jobs will enter the job market by the year 2025. Most of the top twenty jobs mentioned in the report fall under the IT industry. Here is a look at the top ten job roles in increasing demand across industries:

Data Analysts and Scientists

Data Analysis has become a huge industry in itself because raw data is machine generated and collected through sensors and other IoT devices; it is also virtually unusable. What to make of that data and how to further use it effectively is the work of either a Data Analyst or a Data Scientist. Data Analysts solely go through the data and analyse the trends while a Data Scientist usually has advanced training with backgrounds in mathematics or programming and can further interpret the meaning of the data.

AI and Machine Learning Specialists

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning have quickly become one of the most applied technologies in the world. They both work to make autonomous software and systems. AI developers focus on making autonomous software to essentially mimic human thinking and capability whilst ML is an application of AI which allows machines to learn from a given data set without being explicitly programmed. They can then predict outcomes, or outputs from incoming data.

Big Data Specialists

Nowadays, not only are small programs being managed and run by machines but whole cities and even countries have databases and software systems associated with them. Big Data Specialists essentially take enormous amounts of data and information that is on paper and turn them into electronic data systems. This data is in huge amounts to begin with, but also grows exponentially over time. These amounts of data cannot be handled by using traditional data management systems.

Digital Marketing and Strategy Specialists

This is one of the two non-IT related fields within the top ten list. These specialists work closely with products and services-providing companies and identify their target audiences and how to market to them. They then use digital means to market and advertise these products and/or services to those people.

Process Automation Specialists

Process Automation Specialists work on automating processes and programmes that would otherwise require human interference to execute. These can be anything from sending automated emails to automatically generating data. These specialists can also be required to provide applications to handle a company’s operating data.

Business Development Professionals

Being the second of the two non-IT relating professions within this list, Business Development Professionals pinpoint new and innovative ideas and opportunities for the growth of a business. These can simply be small changes in a business’s supply chain to make it more effective and efficient or they can be huge merger ideas that can benefit a business in the long run.

Digital Transformation Specialists

In the ever-changing technological era that we live in, Digital Transformation Specialists explore and analyse new and existing technologies and come up with ways through which their business can stay ahead of the competitors. They are constantly trying to think of ways that these technologies can revolutionise a specific product, service, or process.

Information Security Analysts

Information Security Analysts analyse different cybersecurity measures to be implemented within their organisations to better protect their data, software, and systems. This particular field has seen an increase in demand because of the enormous amounts of data, information, and personalised systems that businesses and organisations now hold.

Software and Applications Developers

Software and Application Developers do exactly what their name says they do; they develop Software and Applications. These can be anything from business applications to gaming applications. This field requires coming up with ideas, generating algorithms, and then writing up the code for applications and systems so that businesses, organisations, or other consumers can benefit from them.

Internet of Things Specialists

IoT Specialists work on implementing a bridge, of sorts, between the analog world and the digital world. Sensors and similar devices are used to input data into computers while actuators and the likes are used by IoT networks to implement a command issued by a machine. IoT Specialists work on implementing those networks.

So, if you’ve pursued a career and/or plan on becoming one of these professionals, then you’re in luck! The job market might just be a little easier on you over the next five years.

Sources: Airschool, WEF

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