
Learn the science of secrets by taking these free courses on cryptography

Written by Shaheryar Ehsan ·  57 sec read >
cybercrime (1)

Cryptography is an emerging field in Information Security and one which particularly interests a lot of people because it is related to the encryption and decryption of data. Involved with the security of data retrieval and their transfer throughout the internet, cryptography plays an important role in everyday computing. We all know WhatsApp messages are end-to-end encrypted but do we know the science behind that encryption? And is it really that secure?

Given below, we have compiled 3 courses that help you understand cryptography and answer the above questions:

1. Applied Cryptography – Udacity

This course on Udacity is a part of the Android Developer Nanodegree by Google which summarizes various types of encryptions such as Asymmetric Encryption and Symmetric Encryption. The course starts off with an intro to ciphers with a special brief on Lorenz Cipher and how it was broken. The course then moves on to key exchange and the explanation of different public key protocols. Everything is then summed up after a brief on using different cryptography primitives and secure computation of data.

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2. Journey into Cryptography – Khan Academy

Have you ever fancied about the origins of cryptography? Well, this course will give you a complete refresher on ancient cryptography techniques such as the Caesar cipher and then the difference between a cipher and a code. The course goes towards the hardware implementation of cryptography as well by including an explanation of the logic gates involved. After that, you will get an explanation of modern cryptography techniques and the arithmetic involved behind them. The course sums up by exploring several Randomized Algorithms.

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Written by Shaheryar Ehsan
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