
Pakistani professor among top 1 percent of the world’s computer science researchers

Written by Hamnah Khalid ·  41 sec read >

Dr Mubashir Husain Rehmani, a professor at the Department of Computer Science at the Cork Institute of Technology (CIT), Ireland, has been named among the top 1 percent of researchers in the field of computer science. The honour comes in a list of ‘Highly Cited Researchers’ compiled by Clarivate Analytics.

Dr Rehmani has studied from Mehran University of Engineering and Technology.

The professor’s work focuses on blockchain, wireless networks, cognitive radio networks, and software-defined networks.

Dr Rehmani has 100 publications and has been cited a total of 2,528 times. His paper titled Applications of wireless sensor networks for urban areas: A survey is one his most popular papers and has been cited 273 times. He has also received multiple best paper awards over the course of his tenure.

Dr Rehmani currently works at the Cork Institute of Technology as an Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science. Before moving to Ireland, he taught at COMSATS University Islamabad as an assistant professor for five years.

The report published by Clarivate highlights people working on some of the most significant research in the world. The 2020 list features 26 Nobel laureates. It mentions a total of 6,400 researchers across 21 fields.

Source: Clarivate, Publons

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