
Plan9 announces 3rd cohort for ATX+PAK exchange program

Written by Shaoor Munir ·  1 min read >

Plan9, PITB’s tech incubator, has announced the startups selected for the 3rd cohort of the ATX+PAK exchange program.

What is ATX+PAK launch program?

ATX+PAK Launch is a 3 weeks fully funded exchange program designed for the Pakistani entrepreneurs and was initiated in January 2016. Plan9 has partnered with the U.S state department and the City of Austin to facilitate this program. Plan9 is the local partner that scouts for quality startups whereas Greater Austin Asian Chambers (GAACC) is its partner managing operations in Austin. This program plans to connect vibrant Pakistani entrepreneurs to mentors, business/strategic partners and investors based in Austin. The program intends to provide exposure to startups enabling them to think in a global dimension and scale their businesses accordingly.

Program goals

The program is set to achieve several goals including:

  • Introducing Austin entrepreneurs to creative talent, production, and potential growth opportunities in Pakistan.
  • Providing formalized opportunities for Pakistani Startups to introduce their company to potential U.S. investors, Venture Capitalists, Private Equity firms & mentors to grow their businesses domestically and internationally.
  • Providing a platform for entrepreneurs & startup incubators/accelerators in Austin & Pakistan to collaborate on projects that will strengthen or enhance the entrepreneurial eco-systems in their respective communities.
  • Provide Austin Startups a platform to explore expansion opportunities in Pakistan in collaboration with Pakistani entrepreneurs.

Startups selected for 3rd Cohort

Startups selected for ATX+PAK launch program
Startups selected for ATX+PAK launch program

Following 6 startups are selected for the 3rd cohort of ATX+PAK exchange program:

  • Web Dealer Solutions – A platform for proactive customer engagement.
  • Repair Desk – A Cloud-based software that provides a smart solution to the Repair shops to keep a record of their repairs, inventory levels, purchases and returning customers.
  • Euphoria – Content generation based on augmented reality for marketing companies.
  • DIY Geeks – Inculcating the DIY Culture in Pakistan through electronic DIY Kits.
  • Aitomation – Automation of repetitive tasks on computer
  • – Online classrooms to make learning easy and convenient for students.

The partnership that started with ATX+PAK Exchange Program has had a ripple effect and the recent visit of Austin delegation to Pakistan concluded with multiple collaborations of Plan9 with credible institutions like Capital Factory, 3 Day Startup, Tech Ranch and PenPals. All of this brings numerous opportunities for startups in Pakistan and plays an important role in providing them with exposure to foreign markets.

Written by Shaoor Munir
I am passionate about technology, hardware and the future of both of them together. Email: [email protected] Profile

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