
Google Maps now show directions for bike riders in Pakistan

Google has added functionality in Maps that shows directions for bike riders in Pakistan. The feature was available across...

in Mobile, News
Dec 18 · >

Google is rolling out new design and features for Google Maps

Google Map is getting an updated new look soon, with the addition of new features. The update will enable...

Nov 16 · >

Google is mapping out air pollution levels on Google Earth

Google, with its aim to provide non-profit services, has taken another initiative that aims to raise awareness of the...

Nov 7 · >

This new Google Maps update takes trouble out of making social plans

Google has added a new feature to Google Maps that lets users get more interactive with places. The new...

Feb 13 · >

Google Street View Goes Time Travelling On “Back to the Future” Day!

If we ask you to get a hand on that DeLorean, the one they used in “Back to the...

Oct 23 · >