
With this new law government can now fine Social sites

Written by Ali Leghari ·  1 min read >

Fake and malicious posts on social sites have been an eyesore for developed and underdeveloped countries. Many countries across the globe are trying to curb this problem by making new laws for social sites.

In a bid to filter out racist and fake news the Government of Germany has approved a draft law; allowing the government to fine social sites that doesn’t remove fake and racists post quickly.

According to some German politicians, the government has approved this new draft law to win the general elections, which will be held on 24 Sept 2017.

It is to be noted here that current German Government has allowed refugees from Syria and other countries to live in the country and in the due process has been criticized by opponent political parties. Also, the German government has been heavily criticized on Social sites on this refugee issue, that is why according to some leading German intellectual government is eager to put extra pressure on Social media houses so that the upcoming elections doesn’t go out of their hands.

Keeping the above statement in view, One can easily assume that the Refugee issue in Germany is all time high and will be a big factor in the upcoming elections.

The draft law doesn’t specify guidelines, examples or reference points to define criminal or punishable content,” Wissenschaftlicher Dienst said. “It would have been extremely useful to provide data as well as studies to help make a proper assessment of the danger posed by the dissemination of punishable hateful content and fake news and the assumed destructive effect they have.”

Under the law, Social sites would face 50 million euros in fines if they fail to remove the fake and racist post quickly.

While on the other hand, many political analysts have termed this action by government as inhuman and against freedom of speech.

Moreover, recently in Pakistan a death sentence has been given to a social media user by the Anti-Terrorism Court for sharing blasphemous content about Islam on Facebook.

Feature Image Source: Tribune

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