
ChatGPT Successors: AI Lawyers, AI-Driven Science, Humanoid Robots

Written by Senoria Khursheed ·  2 min read >

Since the launch of chatGPT, it has taken the world by storm. It has made incredible achievements in almost every field. In the evolving relationship between society and technology, humans reacted incredibly adaptable. The astonishing functionalities of chatGPT based on Large Language Models just a few months ago are the epitome of cutting-edge AI.

Slowly and gradually, people have started relying on these bots and their capabilities and seamlessly incorporating them into our routines. With the help of these bots, people are trying to achieve all kinds of intelligent things. Many companies are producing innovative creations.

AI Technologies Waiting In The Wings Of Next-Level ChatGPT

Many AI technologies are currently on the sidelines. The four things we believe are on the verge of taking off are AI lawyers, humanoid robots, and AI-driven science.

AI Lawyer

The startup company DoNotPay claims to have created a legal chatbot capable of advising defendants in court. The bot is based on LLM technology. The company recently stated that “it would let its AI system help two defendants fight speeding tickets in real-time. Connected via an earpiece, the AI can listen to proceedings and whisper legal arguments into the ear of the defendant, who then repeats them aloud to the judge”.

The startup company did not make it appear in court after facing criticism and legal action for engaging in unlicensed legal practice. This, the legal system authority will determine the strength of technology instead of economic and technological limitations.

Lawyer are well-paid and highly qualified professionals; therefore, the cost of ligation are high. In contrast, the US legal system opposes robots representing humans in court.

AI Scientific Support

AI is becoming a popular resource for scientists in today’s digital environment. Whether it’s about finding patterns in data, machine learning is the initial source in which an AI system improves over time.

As a result, the stems can advise actual scientific hypotheses or proposed explanations for natural phenomena. Hence, it is expected to overcome assumptions and biases people create.

For instance: researchers and developers at the University of Liverpool used a machine learning system called a neural network to rank chemical combinations for battery materials, locating their experience and saving time.

The neural network is entirely accurate, where there are gaps in our understanding of how they actually make decisions. However, multiple techniques can illuminate the logic behind the answers and lead to unexpected discoveries.

However, we cannot rely on AI as AI cannot formulate hypotheses independently; it can assist scientists in approaching problems from new perspectives.


AI can handle multiple tasks, such as speech, image, and text. Furthermore, more versions of AI chatbots based on the latest LLM technology, GPT-4, will soon be available in the market.

AutoGPT, an efficient and advanced AI tool released by essential Gravitas, is creating waves in the tech industry.

Auto GPT can handle multiple tasks, such as planning a birthday party or designing a menu, and splits into sub-tasks which it then completes without human assistance or input.

However, AutoGPT incorporated AI agents that make decisions based on predetermined rules and goals. Instead of having multiple limitations and problems associated with Windows, AutoGPT shows excellent potential in various applications.

Humanoid Robots

Humanoid robots are the fantastic creation of chatGPT. Robots move and behave as humans have significantly advanced since the first DARPA Robotics challenge in 2015. It was a contest where teams created robots to perform a series of complex tasks set by the organizers.


The functions they worked on were getting out of the car, opening a door, and drilling a hole in a wall. Multiple startups are working to produce human-like robots that can behave and operate the same as humans.

Advancements in AI involve computer vision and power sense batteries that provide short bursts of high current. They have enabled robots to navigate complex tasks, maintaining balance dynamically.

Figure AI, a company that created robots for warehouse work, has already secured US$70 million in investment funding.

Companies including Tesla, 1X, and Apptronik also plan to invest considerably to create humanoid robots. Thai shows that the field is maturing. Humanoid robots provide many advantages over other bots, including navigation, maneuverability, and adaptability because, in lary, they will be working in places where they have been built around human needs.

Analyzing The Long View

Undeniably, these bots work tremendously extraordinarily and depend on more than computation power.

Humanoid robots could fail to get traction if their production and maintenance costs outweigh their benefits. AI lawyers and chatbots may be incredibly effective. However, their adoption may be put on hold if their judgments do not align with society’s “moral compass” or the law.

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Top Chinese Firm Claims Its AI Chatbot is Better Than ChatGPT

5 Major Reasons Companies Are Banning The Use Of ChatGPT







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