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Government Of Pakistan Launches National Mobile App Competition

Written by Sarwat Fatima ·  38 sec read >
National App Mobile Competition

Government of Pakistan has announced “National Mobile App Competition” for which launch ceremony will be held today. The major purpose of the competition is to engage talented IT professionals and youngsters in developing apps that will improve the government services, transparency and the quality of work.

Ahsan Iqbal, Minister for Planning Development and Reform, shared the details of the competition on Facebook stating that the registrations will open right after the launch ceremony today.

Participants can submit their application ideas which target these five categories: Agriculture, Education, E-Governance, Health, Utilities. The winners will get the opportunity to fine-tune their applications with top tech companies along with cash prizes and giveaways.

It is reported that Microsoft Pakistan, Telenor Pakistan, Bahria University and Netsol are strategic partners for the competition, while Huawei, IBM, Agile Solutions for Information Age, Jump Start Pakistan and Entrepreneurial Alliance are partners in the program.

Government want to utilize smartphones and 3G/4G technology to provide citizens with improved government services in addition to providing an excellent opportunity to Pakistani talent.

Keep following TechJuice for updates on the competition.

Written by Sarwat Fatima
Sarwat is a journalist and DIY enthusiast. She loves writing about Startups and Businesses. She is heading Islamabad and surrounding areas for news coverage. Profile

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