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How to Earn Money Online

Written by Rabail Majeed ·  3 min read >

While summer is the holiday season for most of us, the days can get quite long and boring with not a lot to do. A resourceful way to spend time and apply yourself is getting a part time job, or better yet working online from the comfort and ease of your own home. Here’s a quick introduction and basic guide to making money online.

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4. Freelancing

First and foremost you need to know the opportunities available online. The most popular online job around is content writing, also known as freelance writing. Content writers are basically flexible writers who can provide websites with pertinent and current content keeping the website’s target audience in mind. Articles can range from the generic to the specific, for example they can be about maintaining homes, financial models or technology. Upwork, Freelancer, Fiverr and Guru are the most widely used and trusted portals dedicated to freelancers with a staggering amount of traffic. is also a good place to look for content writing postings.

However, writing is not the only freelance work you can do. If you’ve got special skills like command over Adobe Illustrator, Android/iOS app designing skills, transcribing from and to different languages etc then you can use the aforementioned portals to find work from all over the world. All you have to do is create a profile and discuss the services you can offer. Jobs in different categories can be applied for and competitive rates are offered depending on the quality of your work. Be honest about your skill set and the services you can provide because the payment will depend on the final product you deliver.

3. Blogging

Blogging is another way you can earn money online. The best thing about blogging is that you will work on and write about topics and subjects that you’re passionate and knowledgeable about so the interest factor more or less stays on a high constant. Blogging in itself will not earn you anything- it is the ads you feature on the website that will be a source of income. Ad network services like Google AdSense, Infolinks, Qadabra, Chitika and Adversal provide revenue sharing opportunities by placing ads on your website. You earn via ad views (revenue per impression) or ad clicks (cost per click)- these arrangements are set by the ad providers.

Qualifying for Ad networks requires your blog or website to have a high amount of traffic and rich, original content among other things so you will definitely have to put in a lot of quality effort and time into maintaining and updating your blog or website. Patience is another key factor while blogging- you usually have to wait a good four to six months building your website before you can qualify for Ad Programs.

Moreover, filling your blog or website with generic, plagiarized material or clicking on your own ads will instantly get you banned from the Ad program. For example, Google AdSense is known for its strict monitoring of compliance with its Terms of Use and many inexperienced bloggers face frequent account suspensions and bans for paltry work or practices.

You can check our complete guide on how to set up a WordPress blog with almost no effort. As mentioned in the post, you can get 25% off on your hosting plan on Hostgator if you use our coupon code ‘TECHJUICE25‘ on checkout.


2. Social Media Management

The high penetration and presence of social media among consumers is the prime reason marketing campaigns make it a point to establish their presence on sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Therefore, you can get hired by small companies and campaigns to manage their social media pages with responsibilities such as updating and uploading relevant and correct content, monitoring the site or page and providing customer feedback. However, because this work is quite simplistic and does not require any special experience or skills, the compensation offered is usually very low. is again a legit portal to look for openings for social media management.

1. Selling stuff online

While this isn’t earning income from an online job, looking into selling stuff that you don’t use or need anymore isn’t necessarily as weird as it sounds. Chances are there’s a pile of things from days long gone that you’ve forgotten about but might hold some financial value with someone looking for them. Classics and old games (like Sega cartridges) are good examples. Look through your collection and see which things are still in good shape that you are comfortable parting with. This process of determining what has value and will actually fetch a good price will require good and honest judgment on your part. It won’t hurt to post ads on websites such as OlX and Bazarpk to attract potential buyers. Be honest in your description of the product and realistic in the price you quote. However, do remember that online selling can be a hit and miss thing and that you shouldn’t feel too disappointed if you get too few replies or none at all.

It goes without saying that working online requires the same amount of discipline and professionalism as other forms of work. There is no instant and foolproof way to earn a quick buck online so always be wary of scams and sites that promise you an unbelievable amount of money in a really short time without any real effort on your part. Be ready to invest time and energy to make the most of the opportunities available online.

Written by Rabail Majeed
Rabail is a writer at TechJuice who, when not rushing to meet deadlines, can be found planning her next big trip up north or adding to her collection of questionably cheesy 80's music. Profile

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