
Intel to launch self-driving cars

Written by Ali Leghari ·  48 sec read >
Intel Moores Law

Chipmaking giant Intel has decided to join the ranks of self-driving cars manufacturers. The company has announced that it will be launching more than 100 self-driving cars in the near future. Just recently one of biggest tech companies Tesla has released the semi-autonomous autopilot-functioning car, Tesla Model 3.

In order to venture into the autonomous car manufacturing business, Intel has bought Mobileye. Mobileye specializes in driver-assistance systems and will help Intel in the making of autonomous cars. The cars will be “level 4” autonomy vehicles — meaning just below industry’s standard of fully automated level 5.

Amnon Shashua, soon-to-be senior vice president of Intel Corporation and future CEO/CTO of Mobileye, said,

“Building cars and testing them in real-world conditions provides immediate feedback and will accelerate delivery of technologies and solutions for highly and fully autonomous vehicles.”

The chipmaking company will initially launch its cars in US, Israel, and EU region for the purpose of testing and will proceed accordingly to the feedback it receives.

Read also: Newly introduced Audi A8 is a semi-autonomous car with lasers and foot massagers

Moreover, a few months back arch-rival of Intel, Nvidia, also made a deal with Toyota to let the car manufacturing giant use AI technology which it developed for manufacturing the autonomous car. Additionally, other tech companies such as Google, Apple, and Samsung are also trying to make autonomous cars.

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