
iPhone X sold out in 3 minutes in this country

Written by Uzair Khalid ·  1 min read >
iPhone X stolen UPS truck

iPhone X is one of the hottest phones right now and wherever it launched, it sold out in a few hours. The company started pre-orders of the phone in South Korea yesterday and it sold out in less than 3 minutes.

This is not the first time the iPhone has sold out in a few minutes. When the pre-orders were started back at the end of the October, it sold out in just under an hour. It shows that the iPhone demand is very high and therefore, Apple is expecting an $87 billion revenue in Q1 2018. Analysts say that over 150,000 iPhone devices were available for pre-orders in South Korea and all of them were sold out under 3 minutes. It is also to be noted that South Korea is the home county of Samsung and LG and selling out a device there is quite an achievement. Moreover, the device costs even more in South Korea than it costs in other countries. The 64 GB model costs equivalent to $1,237 while it costs $999 globally. Despite the high price, Apple managed to sell out the iPhone X.

Apple iPhone X is proving to be one of the most selling smartphones ever. Recently, Apple announced its Q4 2017 results which showed a $52.6 billion revenue in a single quarter. Now as the iPhone X is out, Apple is selling it like hot cakes and expecting an $87 billion dollar next quarter and it is going to be the biggest quarter for Apple. All thanks go to the iPhone X.

The last quarter was the Apple’s best quarter ever for services.

“We’re happy to report a very strong finish to a great fiscal 2017, with record fourth-quarter revenue, year-over-year growth for all our product categories, and our best quarter ever for Services,”

At the Q4 earnings announcements, Tim Cook also talked about the iPhone 8 and 8 Plus and said that they remained the most popular iPhone devices since their launch. He also said that he is very confident about the iPhone X launch and looking forward to “ a great holiday season”.

Apple is expecting that people will spend $30 billion on iPhone X just in the holiday season. The phone faced a lot of problems and issues but nothing could stop it from becoming one of the most sold phones ever.

Written by Uzair Khalid
Uzair has been very tech savvy since his childhood. He's a passionate writer for all things related to technology and a Computer Science graduate. Profile

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