
Lahore Police Is Using Latest Technology To Serve Citizens

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Ghulam Mehmood Dogar, Additional Inspector General of Central City Police came forward with a statement this Saturday in which he explained the usage of technology by the police department for running such a huge city. He shared some facts and figures about the electronic services provided by police and he seemed to be proud of them, and rightly so as these really are impressive.

The fourteen services that are offered include services from two E-Khidmat Marakiz and one Police Mobile Khidmat Van along with the Eight Police Facilitation center that is made all across the city. All these centers provide police character certificates, general police, and vehicle verification, tenant registration, loss reports, copy of FIRS, registration of private employees, legal aid to women involved in domestic violence, and renewal and new learner traffic driving license and international license. And so far the results of these services have been fabulous.

Ghulam Mehmood Dogar said in his statement that;

Network of Police Facilitation Centres (Khidmat Marakiz) has been extended to maximum areas of the city where the citizens are being facilitated in police-related matters by an online modern integrated system. Lahore police have been providing welfare-oriented police-related services along with protection of lives and properties of the citizens,”

248,500 citizens have been able to avail these facilities from these Police Khidmat Centres this year till now. These centers issued 23,623 character certificates, 29,612 general police verifications, 4,423 copies of FIRS, 15 vehicle verifications, 1,682 loss reports, 269 tenants registrations, 288 registrations of private employees, 52,799 new learner traffic driving licenses, 60,464 renewal of learner driving licenses, 4,742 new and 36,346 renewal of regular driving licenses, 2,751 new and 1,336 renewal of international driving licenses, and 187 crime reports this year. If it weren’t for these centers, all these people would have to invest their time and energy, waiting hours and hours in lines to get their documents but they were saved from all that, and more and more people are expected to start using E-services by next year.

Ghulam was passionate about what they have achieved and optimistic for the future as he suggested that the department is planning on expanding the areas in which the facilitation centers are currently operating and adding more remote areas on the radar. Currently, operating centers are in Liberty Gulberg, Iqbal Town, Greater Iqbal Park, Bahria Town, Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Lahore High Court Lahore, and Mayo Hospital along with E-Khidmat Centres at Town Hall and Arfa Kareem Tower.

In the end, Ghulam concluded his statement by advising the officers working in these Khidmat centers to be compassionate and reasonable with the citizens that come to them seeking their services. He wants to make Lahore one of the most peaceful and legally smooth cities in the world and the Central City Police Lahore is right now on its way to actually make that happen.

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