
Microsoft reportedly working on a foldable tablet running Windows 10 on ARM

Written by Sajeel Syed ·  59 sec read >

As we reported recently that Huawei is working on foldable smartphones, and Samsung was also said to be bringing a foldable phone in 2018, now a new development has appeared. Following the trend of foldable smartphones, now we will be witnessing the innovation in first foldable tablet very soon.

After a failed attempt to develop a folding tablet back in 2010, Microsoft is now giving it another try. According to new information, the Redmond-based company is now developing another device that is similar to the already canceled device and runs on Windows 10 on the ARM.

The codename of the device is Andromeda. The folding tablet of Microsoft will be powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon chipset and could be Surface-branded once it launches. It will also have a smartphone’s capabilities when folded and arrive with a stylus. Its launch date is still unknown but we can’t expect it to be released before the second half of 2018.

Huawei CEO Richard Yu recently confirmed that the company actually has a “working sample” of its upcoming foldable handset, so let’s wait out for the next year which gadget comes early in 2018 a foldable phone or a tablet.

Microsoft’s hardware partners might choose to create similar devices if its launch, but this is just speculation for now. Unfortunately, no specs have leaked for Andromeda yet, so we don’t even know if it will have one folding screen or two separate displays separated by a hinge.

Microsoft’s early experiences in hardware developments like making smartphones were not quite pleasant. They might just stick with software development. However, the reports have confirmed the development of a foldable table so let’s stick to the update about this innovative device.

Written by Sajeel Syed
I am a writer at TechJuice, overseeing IT, Telecom, Cryptocurrency, and other tech-related features here. When I'm not working, I spend some of my time with good old Xbox 360 and the rest in social activism. Follow me on Twitter: Profile

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