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Pakathon Reloaded: Global Extravaganza

Written by Immad Khan ·  2 min read >

Asad Badruddin and Zheela Qaiser are two Pakistani’s settled in Boston, USA. They are not physically present in Pakistan, but their heart and soul are stuck in the social issues prevailing in the country. Unlike the majority of population falling under the culture of followers, they both decided to lead a revolution of their own. Revolution they aptly named “Pakathon”. First bursting on to the scene last year, in Boston, where students from Lahore and Islamabad’s top notch universities participated along with the Pakistani students of Boston University. That’s the basic idea behind Pakathon: to bridge the gap between academia and the corporate industry and at the same time solve social problems of Pakistan with cross-atlantic collaboration. The teams want to change the perception Americans have about Pakistan and also the ones Pakistani’s have about Pakistan.

For this purpose, they are bringing back the Pakathon — A hackathon for Pakistan, and it’s bigger than ever. A Global extravaganza, covering 16 of the urban cities of the world, and bringing together students, entrepreneurs and mentors on a single platform to brainstorm effective solutions for Pakistan’s social issue. Pakathon, this time around, is looking for solutions covering areas of Retailing, Inclusiveness, Health, E-commerce and Mobile Banking, Broken Systems, Security and Education as well. For Further details, you may click here and read about each track and look at some examples to help you out as well.

From Sukkur to Silicon Valley, this event will bring together a diverse pool of talented Pakistanis coming together for just one purpose: Using the best of the technologies to help alleviate social issues in Pakistan. Pakathon helps to filter out the brightest, creative most minds from Pakistan and around the world, to build conceptualized ideas within a short span of time, complete with the feasibility studies, and to pitch those ideas in front of the judges to secure seeding money and mentor ship.

Pakathon is planning to further move on to collaborate with cities from across the globe, including those in UK and Singapore. This Global Event is just a step towards fulfilling their mission of bridging gaps between Pakistani’s all around. The first Global Event is going to start from September 26th. You can check out the details regarding the format of the Global event by clicking here.

Why Pakathon Global Event?

Pakathon not only enables a cross Atlantic interaction, but will also help in bringing together some of the brightest minds to help alleviate social issues in Pakistan. Everyone is invited to be a part of Pakathon! Your area of expertise is not of concern, your desire to do something about issues pertaining to the social causes in Pakistan is what matters the most. Pakathon is for Pakistanis and non-Pakistanis alike coming together for one purpose only: Betterment of Pakistan.

If you believe in doing something for your Nation rather than procrastinating about it – this is your moment to rise to the challenge!

Pakathon - org

Details with regards to different cities and registration links are here!

Pakathon is an event which should be on your priority list. They are working towards bringing a cultural shift in Pakistan, something which is not an easy task at all. Because as Pakistani’s we seldom believe in Pakistan and the pool of talent we possess. TechJuice is proud to be associated with Pakathon Global Event as their Exclusive Media Partner and we will be bringing you all the details of the event as and when they happen along with all the happenings! So stay connected to us through our facebook page and follow us on twitter for more updates regarding Pakathon Global Event.

Written by Immad Khan
I am an aspiring techno-preneur, having passion for writing and Digital Media. I have Bachelors in Business Administration from Bahria University, Karachi and currently en route to completing my MBA from SZABIST, Karachi. Profile

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