News, Technology

Police to Start Using High Tech Gadgets During Snap Checking

Written by Abdullah Shahid ·  1 min read >
Police to Start Using High Tech Gadgets During Snap Checking
Using technology makes it easier to spot criminals and overcome the smuggling of narcotics; DPO Bahawalpur

The district police of Bahawalpur was recently ordered to increase the use of technology during snap checking and searches. The new snap checking gadgets will specifically be used in the outskirts and all entry and exit points of the Bahawalpur district.

According to a spokesman from the Bahawalpur district police, the orders to use high tech gadgets during snap checking come directly from the Inspector General Police, (IG) Punjab Faisal Shahkar.

Acting upon these orders, the District Police Officer of Bahawalpur ‘Abadit Nisar’, directed all his subordinates to start working on the placement of modern technology in snap checking points on all entry and exit areas of the district.

Not only Bahawalpur, but Punjab police as a whole has heavily invested in modern technology. Most of this includes snap checking gadgets that are proven to control crime and improve police efficiency.

Leading crime researchers and policing experts have cited that technology in the last 30 years has proven to be one of police’s most useful tools. Major countries around the world make use of modern technology to prevent crime. It’s time that Pakistan also makes use of technological gadgets for crime prevention.

Talking to the media, District Police Officer of Bahawalpur ‘Abadit Nisar’ discussed a lot about the use of technology for crime prevention. He said that the district police making use of the new technology will bring a huge improvement in the department.

Snap checking with modern technological devices will help the district police to recognize wanted criminals. With criminals being identified at entry and exit points, fleeing the city or district would become impossible thus improving safety.

These new devices will also help reduce smuggling of cattle and narcotics, which is a prevalent problem not just in Bahawalpur but in other districts of Pakistan as well.

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