Startups, Technology

This week in Tech – Pakistan

Written by Qurat Zafar ·  1 min read >

For all our readers who like to get a quick look on all the latest happenings, This Week in Tech brings you the latest updates from the Pakistani Tech Circle. We have got some great events going on and many good news to share. Let’s get started!

Startup Weekend Peshawar: Mark your Calendars

The Date is set for December 13th for Peshawar to celebrate the Startup Weekend! The schedule is up at their website  and if you have a good idea, there is absolutely no reason why you should not register. The 54 hour event is going to be, as the organizers put it, “No talk and all action”. For aspiring entrepreneurs there can be idea input to help preparing a good pitch. This is an opportunity of a lifetime! The whos and who of the Tech Industry will be attending the event and we, as the official media partners of Startup Weekend Peshawar, will keep you covered with the latest events.

Plan9 Graduation of Second Cycle: Sending Entrepreneurs in the World

The second cycle of Plan 9 has graduated and all the startup ideas have been dispatched in the business world with lots of advice and well wishes. The farewell ceremony featured key speakers including the mentors at Plan9. It was an inspiring event: providing the young talent the motivation to go on and giving the newly incubated third cycle a glimpse at their predecessors. Many Startups have already featured on The AppJuice from the second cycle and we will be keeping an eye out for new ones. We wish all the startups from the Second Cycle of Plan9 the very best of luck!

Startup Dosti: Apply Already!

If you missed out on one of the startup opportunities, here is one more. Find out more about the Cross Borders competition here. This is the opportunity of a lifetime but the deadline is December 10th! If you haven’t apply already, go apply now!

Google celebrates Women on Web in LCWU

Google representatives in Pakistan headed to Lahore College for Women to give a presentation to the young, Mass Comm students about the opportunities available for Women on Web. The key speakers included Jehan Ara, founder of PASHA as well Haris Nadeem and Amna Tariq. You can find the Twitter Story here. The session inspired many and is a great step. Raising awareness in students is a key to encouraging potential employers. We hope Google Team in Pakistan also pays a visit to other Universities in Pakistan.

Good news for Pakistan: Maria Umar qualifies for Ashoka Finals

ASHOKA Changemakers launched an online competition by the name of Women Powering Work, hoping to bring innovative solutions that would help women in the developing countries. Maria Umar, the inspiring woman behind The Women’s Digital League has made it to the Ashoka Finals! We hope you go on to win the final prize, Maria.

That is all we have on this week in tech. Did we miss something? Write to us in the comments below: we love to hear from you.

Written by Qurat Zafar
Her heart skips a beat everytime she sees a new, beautiful gadget. A tech enthusiast to the core, Qurat loves reading, writing and wasting time. She tweets at @q_zafar. Profile

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