
You will soon share any type of file on WhatsApp

Written by Ali Leghari ·  58 sec read >
Facebook to integrate WhatsApp functionality, rumours say

Messaging app giant WhatsApp from last month has been irking its users with the frequent outages while being criticized by its users in the process. But the messaging app has come back strongly and is going to launch a new update soon, allowing its users to share any type or kind of file on WhatsApp.

Up till now users can send the only limited type of files such as PDFs, Word documents, spreadsheets, and slides, but this is all going to change with this new update, one will be able to share files like APKs on WhatsApp to person in his/her contact list.

According to the company, the feature is being tested out and will soon be available to its user world over.

iOS and Android users can send a file to a maximum size of 128MB and 100MB, respectively. Furthermore, users can send a file of 64MB size using WhatsApp web.

A Facebook-owned company, WhatsApp has also recently rolled out many features for its iOS user, enabling them to add filters to one’s photos and help in sending quick replies. Rumors suggest that WhatsApp will soon introduce a ‘recall’ feature to undo messages sent within 5 mins time frame.

Moving forward, messaging app WhatsApp has also recently joined forces with Facebook and Instagram to give push cross-application notifications to its users.

The year so far has not been good for WhatsApp facing legal spats in different countries and going down more often now. Keeping this scenario in view it will be interesting to see how users react to this new update which the company is going to release soon.

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