News, Social Media

Twitter will now keep check on tweets and private messages

Written by AbuBakar ·  1 min read >

Twitter is taking one step ahead for eliminating content related to the abuse and harassment on their platform. They have decided to take action on unwanted content posted in a tweet or sent to a person in a private message.

Earlier this year, Twitter announced that it will be active in its approach towards eliminating abuse and its effects on the platform. It said that they want to reduce “the burden on victims of abuse” and “taking action before abuse is reported”.

Twitter has introduced the new feature that will hide and flag the messages automatically as a possible offense. The message would go to a new section called “Additional Messages”, which will be accessible from the message request folder. This feature is the same as Gmail’s spam feature, where such emails go into the spam folder instead of the direct inbox.

Users will be able to view the messages if they want to, however, after reviewing the message, offensive messages will not make their way to the message requests folder.

In August Twitter announced in a tweet that it is testing a new filter which will remove offensive direct messages,

The feature is available for users on iOS, Android, and the Web starting today. Users can find these DMs by opening their inbox, tapping ‘Message Requests,’ then selecting ‘Show’ under the section titled Show additional messages, including those that may contain offensive content.’ This is located below the pending message requests.

All the social media networks are under strict check and Facebook is the main target. Facebook has tried to get rid of those allegations and in that context, they have announced the finalization of its charter for “Independent Oversight Board”, which will have more authority than the CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, over the decision making of approved content.

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