News, Technology

Apple named as the world’s most attractive company

Written by Maryam Dodhy ·  1 min read >
Chief Executive Officer of Apple, Steve

According to the results of a recent survey conducted by LinkedIn, Apple has topped the list of the most sought-after companies in the world. On the list are 40 companies that are considered best in the world at attracting and retaining talented individuals. Making it to the top 10 (in increasing order) are: Apple, Salesforce, Facebook, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Uber, Unilever, Coca-Cola, Johnson & Johnson.

What probably landed Apple the top spot is the great lengths it has gone to retain their acquired talent. Last year they announced the launch of an initiative that essentially makes anyone who works at Apple eligible to apply for Restricted Stock Unit grants. The main aim of this initiative is to make sure employees stick around for longer time periods. Furthermore, the company has a diverse and friendly workplace environment. In a period of the past 12-months they have hired 11,000 women – a 65% increase from the previous year. The situation at the retail level seems pretty great too. Apple stores have a sky-high retention rate of 81%.

At number 2 is a company that is less heard of: Salesforce, a cloud computing company. This firm is evidently very concerned about the well-being of their employees. Their offices have small ‘meditation spots’ so that the workload does not the better of them. Facebook grabbed the number 3 spot. They have always been all for supporting their employees and recently introduced the concept of a paid maternity leave for all employees.

LinkedIn has compiled this list after doing thorough research, basing it entirely upon the ‘actions’ of their users. LinkedIn’s methodology in compiling this list leveraged actions such as job applications posted on LinkedIn, the amount of engagement non-employees try to make with actual employees of a company and, finally, how long a new employee sticks around.

You can view the entire list here along with their available job openings.

Written by Maryam Dodhy
I love bringing to light stories of extraordinary people working in Pakistan's tech and startup industry. You can reach out to me through [email protected]. Profile

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