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MOSS Chatbot: A ChatGPT’s Rival Launched By China Is Ready For Public Testing

Written by Senoria Khursheed ·  1 min read >

China recently launched an AI chatbot MOSS for public testing. MOSS, a proposed alternative to the chatGPT made in the US, is now available for public testing on the mainland.

The Chinese chatbot is a creation of the Natural Language Processing Lab at Fudan University. MOSS is a chatbot or a conversational language that can perform various functions like generating pens, prose, content, writing ails, and giving answers.


Moreover, it is a rival of chatGPT and specifically designed by keeping in mind chatGPT features and creativity. Though it is not as bright as chatGPT, it can perform language-based tasks.

Dr. Xipeng Qui, a Computer Science professor at Fudan University, stated that “MOSS can be a low-end version of chatGPT. They are both proficient at language-based multitasking, but the number of parameters of MOSS is significantly less, around one order of magnitude less than GPT”.

Furthermore, he also said that”although there is lots of room for improvement, the advent of MOSS proves that Chinese research teams can overcome technical challenges in developing chatGPT-like products.”

The name MOSS was kept after getting inspired by the Chinese Sci-Fi movie Wandering Earth series.

MOSS First Public Testing

MOSS, created by Fudan University, is now ready for public testing. Many users from different places were there to test the app using a unique invitation code.

If a user does not have a code, the super must be on the waiting list by providing his phone number.

On February 20, the MOSS app crashed due to the heavy traffic of visitors.


The aim and objective behind both the bots are the same. Both systems are specifically embed in natural language processing and understanding human intentions.

The developers at OpenAI first compiled a database of thousands of questions and queries, which were sent to experts from every field. These data annotators then send replies to the questions used by the chatbot to understand various human prompts.

In contrast, the team at Fudan University applied a more direct approach by letting MOSS interact and communicate with other AI models and humans.

Hence, the direct method helped MOSS complete its natural language training in less time.

Since its testing phase, it has become trendy in China. The chatbot is to communicate in English and not Chinese specifically.

MOSS has nearly 300 billion English words database, but it only knows 30 billion Chinese words. This is the most significant disadvantage of Chinese apps.

Now, the Chinese Fudan University team is working to improve the chatbot’s Chinese Language Proficiency and its the ability to follow instructions.

However, the MOSS project has received the backing of the Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Lab.


Read more:

Microsoft Launches AI Chatbot To Bing App On iPhone And Android


Amazon Also Enters Chatbot Industry By Collaborating With Hugging Face






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