Mobile, News

Prisma now works offline

Written by Muneeb Ahmad ·  1 min read >

As part of a major update, Prisma, the artsy photo-manipulation application, will be able to apply filters offline without using internet.

The new update for Prisma allows offline functionality to render pictures into artistic masterpieces. Now, the smartphone itself will host complex neural networks and apply it to images even if no internet connectivity is available. Initially, the update is made available for iOS only, but Prisma promises that an update for Android will soon be underway. For now, about 16 filters are made available for offline functionality and others will soon be added.

Before the update, the application used its cloud-based servers to apply artistic transformations through complex neural networks. Users have been complaining about the time the application took to render a single picture. The picture then was actually being uploaded to the Prisma servers, where neural networks used to apply complex algorithms to the pictures. After the completion of transformation, the picture was downloaded. The whole process consumed a lot of time. Prisma now has found a way to implement neural networks to smartphones for offline functionality which will surely save you some time as well as some data.

Following the offline functionality of Prisma for photos, the servers will be used to render videos. Yes, in the future Prisma will be taking in videos and rendering it artistically. The videos consists of several frames and smartphones are not capable enough to take in that much processing within reasonable time.

Prisma, the artistic photo rendering application, was launched a couple of months ago. Soon after the launch for iOS, Prisma made it to Android. People truly rejoiced the experience, some people even took Prisma to famous Pakistani monuments. Few Pakistanis thought that the application was somehow related to Illuminati.

Source —Prisma App Store

Written by Muneeb Ahmad
I love to talk about global tech-happenings, startups, industry, education and economy. Get in touch: [email protected]. Profile

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