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South Korean Agencies Are Using AI to Weigh North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un

Written by Abdullah Shahid ·  1 min read >
Kim Jong Un
Not revealing the software used to calculate Kim Jong Un’s weight, South Korean authorities say it is estimated to be around 140 kg

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has always made sure to keep details such as his weight and other physical or medical attributes, a top secret, only trusting a select few with these details. However, recently South Korean authorities have harnessed the power of artificial intelligence in order to estimate the correct weight of North Korea’s ‘supreme leader’.

Yoo Sang-bum, a member of the parliamentary intelligence committee, after receiving a briefing by the National Intelligence Service (NIS), said that the AI tool said that they used sample images from Kim Jong’s recent address on May 16.

“He appeared tired with clear dark circles around his eyes during his public appearance on May 16, and was estimated to weigh over 140 kg according to AI analysis,” said Yoo Sang.

The intelligence committee member, however, did not reveal the AI tool used by the NIS, but revealed other details about Kim Jong Un’s health, saying that he is suffering from a “severe” sleeping disorder, possibly insomnia and is now collecting information on insomnia treatment from some of his top officials.

South Korean agencies are exploring the possibility of the leader falling into the “vicious cycle” of alcohol and nicotine consumption, connecting it to a large foreign cigarette and snack shipments going into North Korea.

Believed to be 39 years old, Kim Jong Un has always been criticized or rather ‘trolled’ for having a big stature, but estimating his weight to be over 140 kgs would most definitely be an over exaggeration, what do you think? Let us know in the comments below.


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