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Pakistani Court Announces its First Ever Decision With Help From ChatGPT

Written by Abdullah Shahid ·  1 min read >
ChatGPT in Pakistani Law
Judge Mohammad Amir during a trial in Mandi Bahauddin district, took assistance from ChatGPT while he took up a bail petition of a 13-year-old boy facing rape charges

Today, for the first time in Pakistan’s judiciary history, a district court used OpenAI’s ChatGPT to help decide a bail request filed for 13 year old suspect arrested in a sexual abuse case.

Taking place in the Mandi Bahauddin district, this trial was conducted to make a decision on a bail petition for a 13 year old boy, facing charges of attempting to rape a 9 year old boy.

Judge Mohammad Amir, who was conducting the trial, heard arguments from both the sides and finally made a decision to grant the bail, stating that there were loopholes, firstly the FIR was filed after 2 days of the incident and secondly the two families involved in the case are known to have a feud.

Talking about his decision to grant the bail, Judge Muhammad Amir said that while rape is a serious crime, the possibility of the case being fake, cannot be simply ruled out.

After the trial ended, Judge Muhammad Amir revealed that while announcing the ruling, he took help from ChatGPT. The judge revealed that this was an experiment to understand how AI technology can help lawyers and judges in the future, saying that many judicial systems around the world are already taking help from AI chatbots.

Revealing details about his consultation from ChatGPT, the Judge said that he asked ChatGPT if a 13-year-old could be given a post-arrest bail as per the laws in Pakistan. Replying to this question, ChatGPT said that section 12 of the Juvenile Justice System Act 2018, allows a court to grant bail to the suspect.

Apart from this main question, Judge Muhammad Amir asked over 18 questions from the chatbot, two of which, according to the judge, were wrongly answered. The software, however, accepted its mistake and gave a correct answer.

Over his long conversation with the ChatGPT, the Judge provided all necessary information about the case and asked if bail can be granted under these circumstances. After analyzing all the facts, ChatGPT said that a bail can be granted.


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