News, Technology

Apple Bans Use of ChatGPT in its Offices

Written by Abdullah Shahid ·  1 min read >
Joining in after Samsung, Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan, Apple becomes the newest company to ban ChatGPT in its offices amidst worries of employees accidentally releasing sensitive information to the chatbot

Apple has become the newest company to announce a ChatGPT ban in its offices, following right after its competitor Samsung and other renowned names such as Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan, all of which banned ChatGPT from their offices out of fear of releasing sensitive or confidential information to the chatbot.

Although late and precautionary in the AI industry, Apple is planning to build and integrate AI into its own products, however the company is aware of the data leaking danger that AI technology such as ChatGPT carries with itself.

Just a few months, Samsung accidentally revealed confidential company information to OpenAI’s ChatGPT which then went on to get leaked thus forcing the company to instill a temporary ban on ChatGPT in all its offices.

Apple, Samsung’s number one competitor, is also worried that its employees might accidentally reveal some confidential information that negatively impacts the company and its plans.

It’s reported that Apple has even told its employees to stop using Microsoft’s Copilot, which is a tool that assists users in writing software code.

Amidst news such as the Samsung leak, the general trust in AI is decreasing and people want to understand just how ChatGPT and other chatbots combine and use the data of its millions of users in order to train themselves.

ChatGPT has also had some sensitive bugs, with one bug allowing some users to see chat titles from another user’s history thus potentially releasing sensitive information.

Responding to criticism on data usage and a ban in Italy, OpenAI announced a feature that allowed its users to disable their chat history, which is a feature that reportedly stops the AI from training on the data fed into that chat, but it seems like mega corporations such as Apple are still not satisfied and don’t want to risk any data.

Many mega tech corporations such as Samsung and Amazon are advising their employees to use the company’s internal AI tool instead of seeking external AI tools.


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