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OpenAI is Offering Ten $100,000 Grants For Ideas on AI Governance

Written by Abdullah Shahid ·  1 min read >
OpenAI AI Governance grants
Totalling up to a million dollars, the ten grants for ideas on AI governance comes after a wave of massive regulatory pressure on all technology companies trying to experiment in the AI industry

Following a massive wave of regulatory pressure on all companies experimenting in the fresh AI field, OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT has announced that it is now offering up to ten $100,000 grants for ideas on AI governance.

Totalling up to a $1 million, the ten grants will be given to any recipient that brings up compelling answers to the current AI governance problems.

AI models built by almost any company are not perfected and are always susceptible to having a bias against or for certain individuals and ideas, this creates a discrimination and makes the use of AI dangerous.

Apart from having a bias, AI systems are often found to have racist or sexist outputs, particularly originating from the input that their creators used to train them in the first place.

If continued without correction, AI models are capable of spreading false or biased information while making it sound 100% correct.

OpenAI wants people to answer questions on problems such as these and suggest whether an AI should have a negative opinion about someone and even tell them exactly what an average human being or a “median individual”, should be like for an AI.

Up until now OpenAI is one of the most prominent companies calling out for AI regulations, however the firm has recently threatened to leave Europe over restrictive AI regulations.

“The current draft of the EU AI Act would be over-regulating, but we have heard it’s going to get pulled back,” said OpenAI CEO Sam Altman.

Talking about the announcement of these grants, OpenAI said that being a startup it has limited funds and cannot possibly conduct large scale research since the average salaries for AI engineers start from $100,000 and go up to $300,000, therefore launching these grants is a better and more economica option.

“AI systems should benefit all of humanity and be shaped to be as inclusive as possible,” OpenAI said in the blog post. We are launching this grant program to take a first step in this direction,” said OpenAI.


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