Social Media

Trump asks Twitter CEO about the lost Twitter followers

Written by Faisal Saeed ·  1 min read >

US President Donald Trump has recently questioned the Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey in a meeting at the White House about why he had lost some Twitter followers. Isn’t it obvious Trump?

During the meeting which was organized by the White House last week, Trump spent a significant amount of time complaining to Jack Dorsey about the loss of his Twitter followers, as reported by Reuters. Trump a few hours before the meeting attacked the microblogging site saying that the website is biased against conservatives. He wrote in a Tweet that the company does not treat me well as a Republican, which is discriminatory.

In response to the concerns shared by the US President, Jack Dorsey said that the company is removing fraudulent and spam accounts from the platform, due to which many famous people including Jack himself, has lost followers from his account.

According to a report shared by the social media data analytics firm Keyhole, when Twitter started removing suspicious accounts from the platform, which were being used to create misinformation campaigns to influence voters in the 2016 U.S. presidential elections, Trump lost around 204,000, or 0.4% of his 53.4 million followers.

Trump after the meeting posted a photo of Dorsey and others with him in the Oval Office on Twitter, and said, “Great meeting this afternoon at the @WhiteHouse with @Jack from @Twitter. Lots of subjects discussed regarding their platform, and the world of social media in general. Look forward to keeping an open dialogue!”.

CEO Dorsey replied in a Tweet, “Thank you for the time. Twitter is here to serve the entire public conversation, and we intend to make it healthier and more civil. Thanks for the discussion about that.”

In October, Trump made a Tweet that, “Twitter has removed many people from my account and, more importantly, they have seemingly done something that makes it much harder to join – they have stifled growth to a point where it is obvious to all. A few weeks ago it was a Rocket Ship, now it is a Blimp! Total Bias?”

Donald Trump’s Twitter profile is one of the most followed accounts on the whole platform. But he and Republicans in the Congress criticized the social media company for what they call bias against conservatives, something which Twitter completely denies.

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